
10 Easy Ways to Hang Tapestry on Your Wall



Tapestries are considered one of the easiest yet innovative ways to decorate a bare and empty wall in a fashion that instantly grabs attention. 

Nails or Pushpins:

The easiest way of hanging and putting a wall tapestry is by using nails or pushpins. However, this is only applicable for larger size tapestries as it may cause deep holes in smaller ones. You can either simply hang it in a taut way by hanging the tapestry by the corners; this will give you a casual drape. For a straighter look, attach it with a straight row of nails on the head of the piece.

Adhesive Hooks:

Are you wondering how to hang a tapestry in a way that leaves no mark on the walls? Adhesive hooks are a true win-win solution as they can not only be taken out without leaving a messy hole in the wall but also cause no damage to the tapestry. If you live in a rental home or moving houses frequently then this is the ideal way to hang a wall tapestry; it’s easy to plug in as well as take down whenever the need arises. 

Rod in Casing:

Precious and Delicate tapestries with intricate embroidery might often come with a casing for a rod and are specifically meant for hanging. These are very easy to hang and are fuss-free. All you have to do is select a perfect rod that goes with the tapestry and slip it in. 

Frame it:

Who said you can’t turn your tapestry into a wonderful work of art? Simply stretch it out on a wooden frame or a plain plywood board using a staple gun. However, if the tapestry is quite thin, then you will need to stretch and staple a canvas to the frame so that the wood doesn’t become visible through the translucent fabric as it will look odd. 

Velcro Strips:

Yet another harmless, less costly, and damage-free way you can hang a wall tapestry is by using Velcro strips. This method doesn’t need any extra hardware and hard work and also gives the tapestry a much cleaner look after it is hung. So, when looking for tapestry hanging ideas that don’t call for the hassle of clips, hooks, pins, and nails. 

From The Ceiling:

Does your room also have very limited bare wall space? Or do you live in a dorm room and need a divider for some privacy from your roommate? In both cases (and more), hanging a tapestry from the wall is the best option for you. Vertical tapestries are the perfect choice for this kind. 

Foam Core:

A method very similar to that we discussed above of stretching the tapestry on a wooden frame or a plywood board, this one especially needs a foam board instead of just any wood and requires some unique amount of DIY skills. 

  • Glue two sheets of foam boards together in advance so it won’t get messy at the end. Also, remember to keep in mind that you will need enough fabric to cover all the edges of the thick foam board. 
  • Next, cover the foam board with a simple linen fabric that is heavy and staple it very tightly onto the back of the board.
  • Then carefully sew the tapestry onto the fabric using a curved needle.


That is very intricate, fragile, or overdyed, or vintage rugs? Simply put it behind the glass and frame it. Choose a frame that is coherent and matched with the look of the tapestry and you will have a tapestry that serves the best dual purpose of a painting and also ur no hi a tapestry. 

Rope or Cable:

If you are crafty and don’t mind spending some time doing your favorite thing which is DIYing your room, this is one of the easiest tapestry hanging ideas you will find. You have two options: string a rope on the top of the tapestry which has a small pocket for a rope to pass using a needle and also a thread and hang it from nails or hooks. Or, use a cable system if you want to just hang it, clip it and forget it. 

Make a Canopy:

There is no other reason why you should limit yourself to just walls when wondering how to hang a tapestry when you can get much more creative and improvise. Attaching a small hook or a piece of rope to the middle of the tapestry will help you achieve that canopy-like look. Now that is one of the coolest ways to hang a wall tapestry!  

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