
Mystical Healing Power of Sage

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Many people think that Sage is an herb used only for cooking. What they don’t know is that it has great spiritual benefits and is also used as an alternative medicine. Sage has a number of varieties, but the one used for spiritual cleansing is known as Salvia Apiana or White Sage.

The Latin name of Sage is “salvia”, which means to heal. Real Healing Crystals Online Store To cleanse personal objects, a certain place or the physical body a ritual called smudging should be performed. To do this, a smoking stick made from bundled White Sage or a combination of sweet grass, lavender, copal, White Sage and cedar is needed. The bundled herbs are called smudge bundle, smudge wand or smudge stick. Smudging has been a part of many Native American traditions. In fact, this ritual began hundreds of years ago in most traditional cultures and has been practiced by the Zulu, Maori, Chinese and Balinese.

If a person is being cleansed, it is best for him to meditate and control his breathing. He should also visualize himself being filled with pure, white light. Once done, the Smudge Stick must be placed in something safe, where it won’t catch a fire. This is done to clear the area of unwanted entities.

If one of your friends tampered with your Magickal Tools, you might want to cleanse and purify them to get rid of the energy your friend has put on your objects. Cleansing and purifying can also be done to your crystals and altar. All you have to do is light the smudge stick and take the Magickal Tool in your other hand while waving the stick around the Tool. Healing Crystal Necklace for Sale

 Doing this regularly is advised, especially if you have an Altar outside the house where friends and family members can pick it up and touch it out of curiosity.

To get rid of negative energy and foul spirits, smudging is necessary. The best time to do this is after conjuring spirits or using the Ouija board. If an enemy or a neighbor whose energy you do not like has visited your house, using this method is perfect to get rid of the energy.

Purifying an entire place, as big as a house, would require you to use up an entire Smudge Stick. Wave the stick starting at the front door and do so as if you were drawing a line on the shape of the door in a clockwise movement. After you’re done with the door, proceed to the window and trace its frame like what was done with the front door. Continue with the procedure until you have covered the entire house and have gone back to where you have started. Make sure you did not miss a spot, including closet doors. Some people include the every edge of the house as well as inside closets when doing the ritual, but it is all a matter of preference.

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