
Ant Life Cycle and Mississauga Pest Control

Pest Control

Ants are common pests in the Mississauga region of Canada. Different types of ant species also keep on infesting homes in Mississauga for the same reason. As a result, people look for a pest control service with a reputation in Mississauga for pest control. Ants are also interesting pests to study at the same time. You can also realize it if you have a look at the ant life cycle and habitats. Ants work as colonized pests with a complex system of work. In general, an ant colony comprises a queen, worker ants, and soldier ants.

What Role Do Ants Play in a Colony?

Ants in a colony play different roles. Queen ants produce ants for the colony. In addition, worker ants create a complex nest, which consists of multiple tunnels. Soldier ants work in a colony to protect their colony from possible threats. Understanding the ant life cycle is not only interesting but also helpful. Besides, you can take the best action against ant infestation if you comprehend the ant life cycle. It cannot only help you to prevent an ant infestation and deal with it, too.

Understanding the Ant Life Cycle     

The ant life cycle has four stages as follows:

The First Stage: Eggs

The Second Stage: Larvae

The Third Stage: Pupae

The Fourth Stage: Adults

Queen ant produces fertilized as well as unfertilized eggs in the colony. When fertilized eggs hatch, they hatch as female ants; contrarily, unfertilized eggs hatch as male ants. Female ants can turn into soldiers, workers, and queen ants when they grow. On the other hand, male ants can only become workers or soldiers.  

Oval-shaped eggs of ants are typically hard to see because they are 1mm in length. Moreover, the queen ant’s egg is somewhat larger. Once the ant egg hatches, ants enter the larva phase. Ants have a worm-like appearance when they are in a larvae phase.  

Ant larvae don’t have any legs or eyes. Further, adult ants feed larvae with regurgitated food so that larvae can eat. Ant larvae moult a few times, which lets them grow larger in size. Once the process of moulting and growing ends, ant larvae enter the pupae phase.

In order to enter the third phase of the life cycle, larvae spin the cocoon itself. They do it much like a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly. However, it is not a beautiful butterfly that comes out of a cocoon. Instead, the metamorphoses result in adult ants.

Adult ants relatively have a short life, between six to ten weeks. On the other hand, queen ants can live for fifteen years. Moreover, worker ants can live for seven years. Generally, soldier ants live a short life, unlike queen and worker ants.    

What Should You Do If You Sight Ants in Your Home?

Typically, you will see ants in adult forms. It is unlikely for you to find ant eggs for the same reason. Similarly, it is unlikely for you to find ant larvae and pupae in your home. It is because ants build their nest underground. Ants also don’t come out of their nests until they turn into adults. You should instantly call a pest control service in Mississauga for pest control if you see ants in your home. It is also important that you contact a reputable pest control service, like Pesticon, for ant control. It will ensure the complete extermination of ants from your property.

Besides, the presence of adult ants in or around your home means there is an ant nest nearby or around your home. Nearby ant nest means that ants can grow in numbers each day with time. It is not what you want to happen, as a large ant infestation can cause more problems for you.

Luckily, there are professionals in Mississauga who can help you get rid of ants fast and effectively. Professionals also know the best methods to get rid of ants from the property. They won’t only get rid of eggs, larvae, and cocoons but also destroy ant nests for good. Professionals will also extirpate ant nests to make sure any stragglers don’t rebuild the nest.


Ants are one of the most common pest species in Mississauga. Moreover, ants are also interesting pests to study, too. Ant life cycle is interesting to study for the same reason. It can also help you realize how ants work as colonized pests with an intricate system of work. The ant life cycle comprises four stages, including eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults, respectively. In addition, an ant colony includes a queen ant, soldier ants, and worker ants. Queen ant produces ant eggs, which turn into male or female ants. It is hard to know if eggs, larvae, and pupae of ants are in your home as they remain in ant nests. And also important that you instantly call a professional in Mississauga for pest control if you notice adult ants in your home. Will ensure the eradication of ant problems fast and effectively without turning big.

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