How to

How can You have a Clean and Mess-free Kitchen in Your Home?

How can you have a clean and mess free kitchen in your home

Is your kitchen not organized and every cabinet overflowing with junk? It is very important to keep your kitchen mess free as you spend a good amount of time in your kitchen. 

You can look up various ways that will help you to make your kitchen more organized and structured.

Whether a dinner party for your friends or lunch with your family, your kitchen is there with you during all your celebrations, but sometimes, your kitchen may become a mess and irk you. 

Your personal space reflects a part of your personality, and it should be tidy and clean to make you feel good about yourself. Cleaning up your kitchen every time can be tricky and time-consuming. 

The neat kitchen hacks

You have to organize your kitchen in a way that will take you less time during events and make it more organized and structured. Kitchens are the most used areas in your house. Hence, they should be clean and tidy always. 

Many people get their kitchen modified by borrowing funds other than their savings. Most of them opt for 15-minute loans from direct lenders to get quick funding. But despite a bigger kitchen, they are still not able to manage their kitchen well. 

You can keep your kitchen clean and organized regardless of your size. You just need to be more careful and mindful of how you take care of your home and your kitchen. 

Ways to keep the kitchen clean

If you are looking for ways to organize your kitchen, you have landed on the right page. You can implement the following ways to keep your kitchen organized and clean. 


Your kitchen cupboards should be clean as they contain too much in them. There may be boxes, cans, bags and many other things that you may have stacked in your kitchen cupboards. 

To clean up the cub boards, give a dedicated space to every box and make places for all, such as sugar boxes, syrup boxes, spices etc. You can segregate the areas such as the upper shelf is for the baking items whereas the lower shelf is for sweet items. 

You can paint your food boxes to get them in sync with your kitchen colour. This will align your kitchen in every way and make it look cleaner and more organized. 

Along with painting your boxes, you can label them with their ingredients and make things easy for you. Labelling will help you to be clear with all the contents and not confuse sugar with salt. 

Organizing your spices

Along with your cupboards, clean up your spice rack too. It can become a mess as spices are the most used and consumed in the kitchen. 

For example, at the time of the need, you may not be able to find a cumin box, or your spice boxes may be one on another that can make all the boxes fall when you need any one of them. 

A good way is to organize your spices the cuisines way. You can stack up all the spices required in Italian cuisine in one place, whereas you can stack up all the spices used for Chinese cuisine in one place.  

The common spices can be stacked in a separate space so that you do not disturb any other spices while cooking specific cuisine. Once you stack up the spices accordingly, label the areas with the cuisine name to avoid confusion. 

Add a new rack

If you are tired of organizing your kitchen, you can add a new rack to the kitchen and add more space to it. You can get a new metal tray or a rack and get it fixed in your kitchen. 

This will make it easier for you to organize and manage your kitchen and cupboards. Remember to get a compartmentalized rack that will give you more space and create less mess. 

Sometimes, the kitchen looks messy due to many things cluttered in one small space. When things are kept organized and in a proper way, it leads to a clean kitchen. 

Add newspaper buffers 

You may have a lot of nonstick cookware. If you stack your nonstick cookware, there are chances that there may be a scratch on your nonstick coating, making it not fit for its actual use. 

Since there is a delicate coating on your nonstick cookware, it must be handled carefully and stacked properly.  

When stacking your nonstick cookware, stack a newspaper between your nonstick pans and pots to save them from scratches. Tucking newspapers in between will keep them scratch free and new for a longer time. 

Store your fine china safely

If you are using fine china, you must know that it should be handled properly to keep it scratch free. One way to keep your fine china scratch free is to use them alternatively with paper plates. 

Another feasible way is to get a plastic wire rack inside your cupboards. You can keep these plates inside. Also, you can hang the cups on the hooks of your cupboards to keep them safe. 

Do not overstock your plates

You may get many dinner sets from your relatives or friends; one important thing to remember is not to overstock your plates as they are delicate and should be handled with care. 

Sometimes, it may be difficult to resist some antiques you have seen in fairs or marketplaces. Do not overrun your cupboards; even if you have exceeded the number of plates you require, think of some innovative ways to stack them and keep them scratch-free.


You can transform your kitchen with some innovative and creative storage ideas. Do not let your kitchen overflow with your dinner sets and plates. Keep your kitchen organized and structured to get good vibes from your kitchen. 

If you keep it clean, it is always easy to find out things. Also, there will be no hassle in cleaning up a temporary mess. 

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