
20 Post-Webinar Survey Questions In 2023

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Collecting feedback after the webinar is essential. It will help you understand the success of your webinar. There are different ways in which hosts can collect feedback from their participants but post-webinar surveys are the best way of doing it. There are a few webinar platforms and webinar services that offer post-webinar survey features; hosts and organizers of the webinar can customize the question according to their choice. If you don’t, what are the types of questions that you should be asking your audience after the webinar? Here are some of the post-webinar questions that might help you. 

1. How would you rate your webinar experience?

This is the very first question that you should be asking while collecting feedback. Their rating will help you understand their level of satisfaction with the event. So make sure your survey includes this question at the top. 

2. How would you rate the speaker of the webinar? 

Because the speaker is the most important part of the webinar. A good speaker will be able to engage an audience and will build a connection between the event organizer and the participants of the webinar. 

3. What is your opinion regarding the webinar content?

Undoubtedly the content plays a crucial role in the success of the webinar, so you can’t miss skipping asking questions regarding the content. 

4. What was the best part of the webinar according to you?

This is another crucial post-webinar question as it will help webinar organizers figure out which part of the webinar was worth it and which they can use in other webinar events too. 

5. Did you get any useful information? 

Participants are attending webinar sessions to gain some knowledge, so as an organizer you should add this question to understand your content and how much knowledge your audience received. 

6. How can we improve our webinar?

There is always a scope for improvement. So by asking this question you will be able to learn what you are lacking and where you can improve. You can’t just add positive questions in the surveys, because questions like this will help you understand your weak points. 

7. What is your opinion on our webinar platform or technology? 

When you are hosting a webinar you will be using different tech types of equipment and a webinar platform so asking questions regarding the platform will help you understand your audience’s experience with the platform. 

8. Did our webinar meet your expectations?

This should be another must-have question in your post-webinar survey. Of course, when your audience is participating in a webinar they must be having some expectations and with this question, you will be able to understand whether you meet their expectation or if you need to work more. 

9. Will you be attending more of our webinars?

This can give you insights regarding your next event. With this question, you will be able to understand if your audience is satisfied and want to attend more of your webinar session or whether you didn’t meet their expectations. 

10. Would you recommend our webinar to your colleagues/friends/family?

If your audience will like your event they will surely recommend it to someone who might be interested in your webinar. You can add referral links so that if they are interested they can easily refer it to their friends, colleagues, and family. 

11. How did you learn about webinars? 

If you are promoting and marketing your webinar on different platforms this question will help you understand which of your promotional or marketing strategies works the best.

12. How easy was it to use the platform?

When you host a webinar on a webinar hosting platform asking questions about the platform is crucial. This question will help you understand if it was easy for the audience to use your platform or if they were having some troubles. 

13. Are you satisfied with networking tools?

The webinar platform that you will be choosing will offer some networking tools so be sure to ask a question regarding those tools. Ask your attendee if these tools are easy to use or not. 

14. What topic would you like to see in the feature?

Yes, if your attendees are planning to join your webinar again you should ask them what topic they would recommend for the next webinar session. 

15. Which device you were using? 

This will help you know your audience. If they are using a mobile you will have to work on making your webinar session mobile friendly and if they use desktops and large screens you will have to create your webinar accordingly. 

16. Which day and time should we select for the webinar?

Selecting a day and time for a webinar is challenging for the organizers, so ask your participants which day and time they prefer so it will also help you understand what time you should choose for scheduling your webinar. 

17. Has your perception regarding the brand or company improved?

With the help of quality webinars, you will be able to create a positive impact on your audience and that will change their perception of your audience regarding your company and brand. 

18. What should be the ideal length of the webinar? 

Webinar length can differ according to the topic and industry, there is no ideal length for the webinar but asking your audience will help you keep the balance. 

19. Was it easy to network during the webinar?

A webinar platform offers various networking features, so understanding if those features helped them easily network or not will help you select a webinar platform and networking features.

20. Share additional feedback or comment regarding the webinar.

Asking your audience to share additional feedback or comment will give you extra information that might help you understand your audience better. 

The Bottom Line 

Your audience feedback will play a major role in improving your webinar session. Knowing your audience as much as possible can give you an advantage over your competitor. Your main goal is to provide value to your audience and asking these questions will help you to do that. So after the webinar don’t forget to ask your audience above mentioned questions as it will help you create a better experience for your audience.

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