
Step to Obtain Certificate of No Legal Impediment

Obtain Certificate of No Legal Impediment:

 If you wish to obtain certificate of no legal impediment or unmarried certificate, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. However, it was discovered that he had an additional wife and had no intention of complying with the order for restoration of the rights of the couple. The court decided that he couldn’t profit from his own mistake, and his application was denied for certificate of no legal impediment or unmarried certificate.

Tajinder Kaur V. Nirmaljeet Singh,:

In Tajinder Kaur V. Nirmaljeet Singh, [19] wife submitted a petition for divorce in accordance with Section 13 (1-A) (ii). A decree of restitution for the rights of the couple was not implemented. The couple had not been cohabiting for one year prior to the passage of the decree. The court ruled that the man was eligible for a decree of divorce. In Subhash Chander Sharma v. Anjali Sharma, [20] Kailash Gambhir, j. found that irretrievable break-up of a marriage isn’t an excuse for divorce in the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

High Court:

High Court, exercising its inherent authority, is not able to give divorce with certificate of no legal impediment or unmarried certificate on the basis of the irretrievable break-up of the marriage.  Hindus acknowledge Sanyasa Ashrama as the most important among the 4 Ashramas within which the life of a Hindu is arranged. According to Hindu beliefs, each Hindu is required to go to the final ashram when he reaches the age of old. The act of entering the ashrama means that you are dead civilly. In order to take sanyas, the person must perform eight shraddhas (including the shraddha of his own) and also surrender his marital life and possessions.

Unmarried Certificate:

Regarding the certificate of no legal impediment or unmarried certificate The Hindu may, in accordance with his beliefs, give up the world and resign himself to a sanyas as well as vanaprastha Ashram. The person is known as sanyasi or vanaprastha, yati, or perpetual brahmachari. They do never again take on his daily obligations.[2 If a spouse is leaving home and is now Sanyasi, the other spouse can request a divorce on this grounds[3(3). One can join an order of holy rites even in their early years and is not in opposition to Hindu religious beliefs. But it is grounds for divorce with certificate of no legal impediment or unmarried certificate.

Faith or Religion:

The reason for this is that one may adhere to the faith or religion that one holds. However, it shouldn’t cause hardship for one”s spouse. If one spouse decides to leave the other spouse, even turning into the sanyasi in the first place, it creates a hardship for the other spouse. When viewed from this perspective as a sanyasi, there there is no chance that the person who has become a sanyasi couple will come back to a cohabitation relationship. This is the main reason behind making it grounds for divorce.[4One is admitted to a religious or holy arrangement when he is subject to rituals and ceremonies prescribed by the order into which is entered into[5[5]. If these rituals are not performed in a way that is not equivalent to being a member of a holy order.

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