
Technical Document Translation – Using Consistent Terminology and Avoiding Translation Pitfalls

Technical Document

During a technical document translation, you have to consider a few things to make sure your document is properly translated. This includes using consistent terminology, avoiding translation pitfalls, and using high-quality source texts.

High-quality source texts

The quality of the source texts for technical document translation plays a significant role in the final results of the translation. It is important to ensure that the source texts are accurate and well-written. Moreover, a good source text should be readable and legible.

When translating technical documents, it is important to use the correct terminology. It is advisable to use the same terminology throughout the entire document. This will make it easier for the reader to follow the instructions.

It is also a good idea to include a glossary of terms to avoid confusion during the translation process. It is also important to choose the right tone. It is often better to use an active voice than a passive one.

If you need to use abbreviations, you should always make sure that they mean something. You should also avoid using words that have a range of meanings.

For example, you may be required to provide operating instructions. These are intended to inform the reader about how to use a product. The textual quality should be simple, clear and unambiguous.

Consistent use of terminology

When you are translating technical documents, consistency is key. This makes your translation more accurate, and it also saves you from costly misunderstandings, which can reduce customer satisfaction. The more consistent your terminology, the less time and effort you will spend editing your translations.

There are a variety of processes that will help you keep your terminology consistent. Some common ones include style guides and terminological glossaries.

Style guides are a requirement when creating technical content. These are sets of rules that define naming conventions, spelling rules, and specifications for internal company names. They help reduce costs and reduce the time you spend researching and preparing for a translation project.

Terminology guidelines define general terminology, such as chemistry, biology, medicine, and astronomy. They can also define terms for specific industries. These terms are used to avoid confusion and can help you distinguish words with multiple meanings.

Some industry-specific terms, such as a product or brand name, can be used without translation. However, they must be authentically rooted in the translated text. This helps ensure that your customers and customers in other countries can understand your message.

Avoiding translation pitfalls

It’s not uncommon for a technical translation to miss the mark. However, these mistakes can have serious consequences. When it comes to translating documents, a small mistake can lead to system failure, or worse, damaged equipment. This isn’t a reason to underestimate the importance of a good translation.

The correct translation of a single word can change the entire meaning of a message. Fortunately, a professional translator can help avoid these errors.

Keeping track of the latest linguistic trends is important. New words and terms keep popping up all the time. This means you’ll have to learn new terminology if you want to get your message across.

For instance, the metric system is used in about 98% of the world, but North American companies often forget to take it into account when translating overseas. A skilled translator will know what “milliard” and “billion” mean in different languages.

The translation of a numerical value is also important. For instance, “million” is a number that’s commonly translated as “billion.” In some countries, this could be a dangerous misunderstanding.

Computer-assisted translation tools

Computer-assisted technical document translation tools are designed to help translators translate documents more efficiently. CAT tools divide texts into segments and store them in a translation memory. These tools also offer collaborative features, such as editing history and tracking. These features make it easier for multiple people to work on the same document at the same time.

CAT tools can be accessed as desktop or cloud applications. They are typically developed by software companies and used by language service providers and professional translators. They are also used by individuals who are bilingual and need to translate content for global audiences.

CAT tools allow you to quickly find and translate terminology. They also provide suggestions for content to translate. In addition, they can be used to proofread translations and check for typos and numerical inconsistencies. These features are especially helpful when a document is a long one.

Using CAT tools helps you increase your productivity, improve quality, and ensure consistency. There are many different CAT tools available, and you will want to choose the right one for your needs.

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