
Ways a Family Lawyer in Mississauga Can Help Parties

Family Lawyer

Often, divorces in Mississauga are emotional and financially draining at the same time for divorcing parties. Nevertheless, consulting a family lawyer in Mississauga can make the divorce process easier for parties. A divorce or a family law attorney can help spouses in a divorce in a number of ways. We are going to tell you about the roles that a family lawyer can play for divorcing parties.

Roles That a Divorce Attorney Can Play in a Divorce

A divorce attorney or a family law lawyer can help parties in various ways while playing different roles. Here are the roles that a family lawyer can play for divorcing spouses:

Clarify Grounds for Divorce:

There are certain grounds on which you can file for a divorce or get it. Further, a family lawyer is fully aware of the grounds for divorce. Besides, grounds for divorce vary, such as no-fault, adultery, abusive behaviours, etc. Further, family lawyers in Mississauga, Ontario, typically stick to a no-fault approach as per the law. In addition, a family lawyer can help spouses concerning a separation agreement prior to a divorce.  

A family lawyer can also help parties concerning the benefits related to contested or uncontested divorces. Moreover, a family lawyer can effectively guide the parties for divorce paperwork or court settlements if necessary. 

Give Objective Advice:

Basically, divorce is an emotional process, and a family lawyer can make it less emotional. A family lawyer can talk with the parties about factors that can affect their future. Property division and parenting, to name a few. Objective advice from a family lawyer in Mississauga can help parties focus less on the termination of their marriage.

In addition, a divorce lawyer can play the role of a mediator for parties in a divorce. The role of a divorce attorney as a guide also makes the divorce process easier to get through.

Aid in Asset Division:

A family lawyer ensures that his/her clients disclose all their assets for the proper division of marital assets. More often than not, one spouse manages financials, and the other spouse is unaware of the spouse’s debts and assets. Nevertheless, a divorce attorney can help spouses settle such matters to ensure proper divorce settlements.

Clarify Property Division:

Similar to asset division; a divorce attorney can help spouses with the proper dissolution of a property. Each spouse may have separate properties at the time of marriage. Further, one of the spouses may have amassed assets as per prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. In such scenarios, a divorce attorney can help spouses with the division of properties as per the family law.

Explain Spousal Support and Other Benefits:

A family lawyer can help a spouse assess whether he or she can claim alimony or not. A court may order spousal support if spouses have different incomes or when one spouse sacrificed a career for the other. In addition, a spouse may be eligible for a portion of other spouses’ pension or other income. Nevertheless, family law will determine the eligibility of spousal support for a divorcing partner, according to the law.

Assist in Coming up with a Parenting Plan:

The family law in Canada ensures the security of the rights of children in a divorce. Further, it is also important for parents to make a good parenting plan to successfully address their children’s needs post-divorce. Family law attorneys can also help parents in this regard to help parties come up with the right parenting plan.

Guide Completely through Divorce Paperwork:

Getting a divorce requires parties to go through divorce paperwork. A court can also grant a divorce to parties after the submission of the divorce paperwork. A divorce lawyer can guide divorcing parties going through all divorce paperwork. Further, a lawyer can also respond to the petition for divorce from the other spouse.

Negotiate for Settlements:

A family lawyer can also negotiate to make parties come to settlement terms. Negotiation from a lawyer can help parties avoid the litigation process, which is typically expensive and quarrelsome.

Represent in a Court:

A divorce attorney can also help his/her clients while representing them in court if there is a need. A family lawyer may act as a representative for clients to resolve disputes related to property division, parenting, etc.


Divorces are often emotional and financially debilitating, too. Nonetheless, contacting a family lawyer in Mississauga can help parties successfully go through the divorce process. A divorce attorney can also help parties in a divorce in a number of ways, like:

  1. Clarify Grounds for Divorce
  2. Give Objective Advice
  3. Aid in Asset Division
  4. Clarify Property Division
  5. Explain Spousal Support and Other Benefits
  6. Assist in Coming up with a Parenting Plan
  7. Guide Completely through Divorce Paperwork
  8. Negotiate for Settlements
  9. Represent in a Court

Lastly, spouses should consult with a divorce attorney, like from Divorce Fast, even when they opt for an uncontested divorce. 

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